AOT Update (COVID-19)

The health and safety of AOT students, staff, contractors and clients is our absolute priority and as the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves rapidly, we are continuing to take the advice and guidance of relevant authorities as new information and advice is received.  

AOT update – 3pm, Thursday 19 March 2020

Effective Monday, the 16 March 2020, The Australian Government has advised against holding non-essential, organised public gatherings of more than 500 people. This advise is designed to reduce community transmission of COVID-19 in Australia.

As of today, 19 March 2020, The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) ( has recommended limits on organised gatherings. These include limiting non-essential:

  • internal gatherings to fewer than 100 people
  • outdoor gatherings to fewer than 500 people
  • meetings or conferences for critical workforce members, such as healthcare professionals and emergency services

Furthermore, Essential activities such as health care settings, pharmacies, food shopping, schools, workplaces and public transport are not included in this restriction. However, social distancing and good hygiene practices should be applied in these settings.

All non-essential indoor gatherings of less than 100 people (including staff) such as cinemas, theatres, restaurants/cafes, pubs, clubs, weddings and funerals should apply social distancing and hygiene practices. This includes:

  • being able to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres between people
  • providing hand hygiene products and suitable rubbish bins, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal

As we actively monitor the situation, we are preparing to have the right systems and processes to ensure there will be minimal disruption to our services. Based on current advice, we plan to keep our offices open for now but will continue to monitor the Australian Government’s suggested guidelines as well as advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

As a precaution, AOT may cancel, postpone or find alternative modes of delivery for our current classes as they are related to our core business of training and assessment effective 20 March. This decision will be reviewed regularly. We commit to keeping you informed as we work through what is a challenging time for all. We understand this is a difficult time and we thank everyone for their continued patience as we work through every program and course for our impacted students.

Please regularly check our Facebook Page and your Class Study Groups for more information. If you require support for your course, or have queries or concerns, please contact us on:
AOT NSW : 1300 769 744
AOT QLD:  (07) 3059 0299
Contact us –

We thank you in advance for your co-operation and for assisting us with these measures as we look to maintain business continuity and limit any unnecessary exposure to COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus).

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